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A best school with global standards for your child's bright future

Founded by Mr.B.V.Rao with three decades of continuous association with prime educational institutions , the globe school provides a platform for children towards a changing world with a whole new dynamic personality and skillset.

The Globe School

MISSION statement

Provide learning environment to nurture critical thinking, empathy, integrity, and accountability of every child towards leading a happy life.

The Globe School

VISION statement

Making globe a better place to live by instilling intellectual, moral, humanistic values in children there by creating empowerment, self-confidence, consciousness and making them responsible citizens.


Read what the public speak about our school

" I felt school is in a very peaceful atmosphere.It helps for the overall development of the child."

" The school is very good. Teachers are energetic and friendly too. They have a nice playground as well and the construction is in process."

" All staff at this school are really helpful and I feel that kids receiving everything they needs at this school and teachers have been great."